Environic Solutions Inc.

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About Environic Solutions Inc.

April 21, 2022

Environic saved my home! In 2018 a landslide took half of my (small) back yard. I lived on the upper street level and so my yard fell into my lower neighbors yard. I called my insurance company but the damage was not covered. The city got involved and said it was an unstable home and we needed to fix it asap or leave. I called a contractor who looked at the job and told me it was too big for him, said I may want to consider selling. However he did say that he knew of a contractor that may be able to help out. When Ayaz came out to look at the job he was very honest about the risks/costs, he said before I considered selling to give him a chance to come up with a plan. I’m so happy I did! His workers were amazing, he supervised the entire project. The work consisted of removing a wrap around porch, car port, tree and debris from my side and my neighbors. They had to dig, dig and dig to get this 24ft wall built. They were working with a very narrow space and were able to get equipment in and out without damaging my home. I was very impressed with his work, communication and knowledge. I would highly recommend Environic Solutions to anyone and everyone.

Glisel Salazar

About Environic Solutions Inc.